No chaos no order
World order is a Japanese band formed by Genki Sudo. Why would the band call its self “World order”? Why would an x-K1 fighter decide to write songs that seem to have deeper meaning attempting to make people think or awaken the masses from what is considered norm especially for Japan, where people consider it to be a taboo to talk about something that would separate them from the masses. From kindergarten you are trained not to differ, follow the rules and you can disappear in the crowed. みんなと同じ .So here comes a young man, Genki Sudo, emerging from a society of homogenous beliefs, who, even as a professional K1 fighter, was different from everyone else, he seems to have enjoyed being unique, offering his fans a spectacular opening show with dance and fancy costumes.
I came across the songs of World Order by chance. I loved the choreography but did not really focus on the lyrics. With everything happening now I was surprised when I actually listened to what the songs talk about. It is as if Genki has been trying to wake people up since 2009 subtly through his songs. Those who were ready to listen they could get his meaning. But I still questioned myself as to Genkis motives because it is not a common thing to find such an outspoken Japanese person unless he is an actor or comedian. Everything made sense when I learnt that Genki Sudo had gone into politics very recently, quitting the band he had created.
Here I would like to attempt not only translate some of my favorite World Order songs but to give my understanding of the message given.
Of course I will start with the synonymous song since it was the first one to come out on December 16 2009.
銀河のリズム 君のアイデアリズム
夢見るサイクル 美しきダンス
1・2・銀河のリズム 君のアイデアリズム
銀河のリズム 君のアイデアリズム
夢見るサイクル 美しきダンス
1・2・銀河のリズム 君のアイデアリズム
銀河のリズム 君のアイデアリズム
夢見るサイクル 美しきダンス
1・2・銀河のリズム 君のアイデアリズム
This song is talking about how the world order is achieved and that people need to come out of their slumber and see what is going on. I do not know if Genki had knowledge of agenda 21 or could see the reality clearly.
The song starts by saying that the veil covering the world needs to open, (push it open as it is not intended to open by its self so some effort is needed).
We hear two voices maybe he is talking about the inner voice that keeps talking in the head and what we hear from outside, things are so confusing that people cannot discern the truth. What the ears hear are lies that just cover the gaps of the distorted truths so it becomes impossible to see what is real. The truth becomes inconsistent- conflicting (when you are confused with inconsistencies, you just accept what is given to you because you don’t understand it even if you tried).
As one generation ends it is time to open our eyes, get out of the hypnotized state we are living in.
The rhythm of the world is what we idealize (following the crowd is what is considered not only normal but it is romanticized, it is cool to be flowing along with everyone else)
Both despair and hope, light and dark are within us, it is up to us to choose to wake-up and for this generation to cross over to a brighter future.
The song ends by saying “ no chaos no order”, if there is no chaos, order cannot be achieved or maybe- just maybe Sudo Genki knows that the new order will come once there is enough chaos, then people will demand for order, they will give up their freedom to have order- a new world order.
Is this song designed to worn those who will listen to open their eyes and bring about a better world instead of having a new world order enforced on everyone? In brackets I have added extended analysis.
It is up to you to take whatever message you like from these brilliantly written lyrics.